Speaking of Expectations…A Very Exciting Personal Update

Last week I shared some thoughts about how we can reinvent expectations together to counter the burnout many are feeling.

This week I’d like to share a personal spin on the theme of expectations. I’m delighted to get to finally share with you…

I’m pregnant with twins!

We’re feeling effervescent, they’re due in mid-December, and everyone is healthy.

What does this mean for ConverSketch?

  • I’ll be taking a few months for parental leave from roughly December-February depending on when they make their debut

  • I’m planning to begin working again part-time in the spring – recognizing this timeline will likely evolve and solidify as we get our bearings as parents

  • I will not be traveling beyond October and will be tapering work in November

  • If we’re already working together on a project, if the pregnancy continues as we expect, I’ll make sure we’re wrapped up before parental leave.

  • For new projects during the time I’m away, I am wildly appreciative to have a network of phenomenal graphic recording and graphic facilitation colleagues to connect you with – so keep planning for visual thinking, creative process design, and meaningful connection.

Please feel free to reach out with questions – I want to make sure all of YOU, my wonderful thought partners are taken care of!

Once again, thank you from my heart and soul for your support, great senses of humor, brilliant minds, collaboration and what you're each doing to make the world a better place.

With prenatal bliss,

Where in the World is ConverSketch?

Pivoting from In-Person to Virtual: Last week, a team of fire social scientists and I made some tough calls due to covid and other unexpected challenges for participants. We went from a 2.5 day in-person meeting to a 1-day virtual meeting with additional follow up in a few weeks to discuss their work, create a strategy for the remaining funding, and envision what the long-term could look like to continue this work. Sensitive content has been blurred out.

Screenshot with sensitive content blurred of Miro board from the virtual meeting

In the Studio: Working on several illustration projects from core values and purpose to integrating the complex landscape of socio-ecological systems into a branded illustration for an upcoming conference I’ll be graphic recording.

Digital illustration of mountains with people and alpacas and a forest below with fruit trees